Welcome To The "Children's Joy" Site
Children are dying on the streets of Ukraine because of the lack of care and society's inability to address the issues related to the children’s needs, although the governmennt is now trying to address these issues.
More than 150,000 children live in cellars, on the streets, in railroad stations, sewers and other abandoned buildings in Ukraine’s major cities. The sense of urgency is clear to anyone with a willingness to consider the facts and observe the situation today in Ukraine.
Ukraine’s economy declined significantly after its 1991 declaration of independence from the former Soviet Union, although after the Orange Revolution the situation changed for many families, but not all, leading to a significant rich/poor divide. Children from the poorer families are suffering in significant numbers and need assistance. Many families are unable to earn an income sufficient to provide support for their children for the essential needs of food and clothing. Many turn to alcohol, drugs and corruption to soothe their guilt and failure. They lock the doors to their home and the children are left in the streets to fend for themselves. Some leave because their parents can’t afford to keep them and they hope to find work, although this is normally impractical.
Facing survival in a world they know little about, the children have only three ways to survive. Beg, steal or sell their bodies, many do all three. These children are potentially tomorrow’s leaders of the nation.
The question is: “What kind of leaders will they be?”
living Between America and Ukraine, experiencing God-shocks and satan-shocks as I go along, looking forward for help on the way
Saturday, April 26, 2008
University news
Hi all,
At the moment I got financial aid offer in the form of Stafford loan for academic year 2008-09. I got my Virginia in-state status for fall 2009 semester which is a big saving. My graduate study concentration is English (Applied Linguistics program -teaching English as a second language) at Old Dominion Uni in Norfolk,VA.
I work part-time as a laborer and trainee in a company whcih does maintainance tasks and coating in Virginia.
I have some free time when I'm not working- I live just on campus at the moment. I stay mostly away from people - like a monk- praying only to internet. Sometimes I make calls using cellfon and internet. I have not much strength or time left to read good books.
That's all news from me.
At the moment I got financial aid offer in the form of Stafford loan for academic year 2008-09. I got my Virginia in-state status for fall 2009 semester which is a big saving. My graduate study concentration is English (Applied Linguistics program -teaching English as a second language) at Old Dominion Uni in Norfolk,VA.
I work part-time as a laborer and trainee in a company whcih does maintainance tasks and coating in Virginia.
I have some free time when I'm not working- I live just on campus at the moment. I stay mostly away from people - like a monk- praying only to internet. Sometimes I make calls using cellfon and internet. I have not much strength or time left to read good books.
That's all news from me.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Тепер можна дописувати українською
ВСІМ !!!
Приємно друкувати рідною китайською клавою. Завтра зранку на роботу до Річмонду- на навчання і роботу на заводі. В економіці США продовжується застой і інфляція до 12 %- про що казав сьогодні мій бос- уряд про це моічить, щоб не почалась паніка, роботи стає все маньше, багато людей без грошей.
Отримав лист з амениканського воєнкомату- я мав там зареєструватися- але маю вже більше 32 років коли в-їхав до США на проживанняю Тепер з папером треба йти в університет за грошовою допомогою.
Весь день падає дощ і прохолодно і приємно стало.
Приємно друкувати рідною китайською клавою. Завтра зранку на роботу до Річмонду- на навчання і роботу на заводі. В економіці США продовжується застой і інфляція до 12 %- про що казав сьогодні мій бос- уряд про це моічить, щоб не почалась паніка, роботи стає все маньше, багато людей без грошей.
Отримав лист з амениканського воєнкомату- я мав там зареєструватися- але маю вже більше 32 років коли в-їхав до США на проживанняю Тепер з папером треба йти в університет за грошовою допомогою.
Весь день падає дощ і прохолодно і приємно стало.
Friday, April 18, 2008
vesna v Ameryzi - spring flows into Norfolk, VA today 80 F
Sjogodni vesna plavno perexodyt v lito - tut +26 ochikuemo. Ja nareshti vixidnij na 3 dni.
tse maja vulyzja- 49th St., Norfolk

Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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