Thursday, January 31, 2008

Новости из Киева / моб.№

Купил клаву наконец с кириллицей и могу теперь по-русски и украински сочинять. Придется немного потом переводить на инглиш. 3 февраля летим с мамой в Египет на 10 дней отдохнуть. Хотя там еще зима, но мы готовы уже видеть солнышко, потому что здесь постоянно тучи и недостаток облучения природного (что для этого региона стало нормой-нет солнца).
Мой моб. +380631922654 до 9 марта 2008 (дата вылета в Нью-Йорк)
Неделя ушла на акклиматизацию и на выздоровление, посетил пару раз молитвенные встречи в Киеве и Нежине. Провел пару часов встреч в Нежинском универе- интересуюсь методикой преподавания иноязыков- буду скорее всего изучать в Америке преподавание английского как иностранного в этом году, даст Бог. Надо будет заскочить в киевский иняз - альма матер. Продал американские книги в киевском банке- теперь надо искать на продажу немецкие книги.
ДВД фильмы дороговыаты здесь- в России дешевле- я ищу фильмы с английск. субтитрами для американских студентов. Куплю фильм "Остров" обязательно.
Выложу фотографии Киева и НЕжина, Египта позже.
После египта - на Донецк. Так и не нашел время на подработку здесь, хотя надо будет закинуть удочки на контакты с местными предпринимателями.
Пока все. Пишите на е-мейл, звоните.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

News from Kiev/Kyiv

Hello everyone, finally i decided to sent a few notes from my expensive interenet connection at home. I was back home on Monday after 8 hour flight having afterwards running nose and jet leg. Culture shock and price tag shock are still felt- my parents provide me with lots of food and rest for free.

Yesterday I went shopping for couple of hours at biggest open wholesale fruit market in Troyeshina. Prices were much lower than Walmart's and Mom paid for all. I feel like a schoolboy again.
Took some pictures of downtown at night, visited banks, enjoyed cheap transportation and first snow tonight, though it's still hot@ 30sh F. Need to book a cheap one week package for Egypt and meet my brother on Saturday. Went to prayer meeting at my old church- mostly women were there- a few souls but precious!
Sent packages and mail brought to Ukrainian Southerners in Crimea!
Keep in touch!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wow I get tons of visitors now! Praise Jesus! What happened today?

I stay now in a small hostel in Manhattan for a 34 dollars per night. Tomorrow I'm flying to Kiev,Ukraine to see my family and friends. I spent a night in a chinese bus riding from Norfolk,Va and was mightily tired. It's quite chilly to live but this is 14th Street, NYC, guys. God willing tomorrow I'll fly to Europe.
Bye you all

Life in manhattan in pics

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mysli, zapiski po-russki

Ja le4u domoj v voskresenje- zdes poholodalo do +3, no v new yorke budet poxolodnee,

a doma teplee. 21 janvara- rovno 6 mesjazev bez Ukrainy bez Kuchmy,grivny,etc- moj personalnij rekord prozhivanija-vyzhivanija za predelami post-kommunisma. Proshaj kapitalism!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jobless again and ready to fly to Kiev

I'm done with Dunkin Donuts today after starting there as a baker on 3 Dec, 2007. Now I'm preparing my trip to New York and then to Kiev. The return ticket costs 692 USd and I plan to stay for a month and 2 weeks.
See some of you soon! it'd be nice to be in poor Europe again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Results of my 32 year on this earth

Profit & Loss Statement for Taras’s 2007

January: I misstep on staircase in the brewery injuring my right foot, the sick leave was paid because my father was a political influence at local clinic. My father had a hypertension crisis On Jan.1 while I was celebrating in Nizhyn. I was transferred from interpreting for a German mechanic in Kiev to in western Ukraine to work with Danish mechanics. I fell again injuring my right foot muscles.

In February-March-April-May-June-July after living a bit in Kiev I was sent again to #2 Timbucktoo village to work with a German supervisor, Serbian head engineer and Romanian electrician. God prepared me to live on my own after 32 years of living with my parents without having my own place (except 2,5 months in America, 3 months in Egypt).

MAY: My father had stroke and heart attack- I was a chief caregiver to him for a month-my mom worked far away, my brother was busy too. I was shocked by the hospital system in Ukraine- Kiev’s one is supposedly the best.

JULY: I finally went to Poland to pay for an immigrant visa. I enjoyed spending time and money and traveling in Poland. I flew across the pond straight from Poland with a backpack and some food to North America on July 30.

August: as freshly baked immigrant waited some for my US documents while working some in the kitchen. Burned badly my skin by dropping hot water on August 13. Paid a lot for my 1st rented room in Virginia Beach city (moved there from Poland too quick).

September: Moved 2nd time to a Norfolk house. Enjoyed swimming and suntanning at the beach, found low-paid restaurant job and enjoyed riding my 10-dollar woman bike.

October: Decided to get to US university. Passed GRE and got all recommendations and turned them in. Lived in a house without heating- although October was rather warm.

November: Had to move 3rd time to an old house near my University for a cheaper rent of 300 dollars/month. Enjoyed 1st Thanksgiving at friend’s house by eating well. Had a week off by looking for a badly paid restaurant job. My bike was stolen so I bought a brand new Chinese bike. Bought a laptop to stay abreast with news.

December: Found a baker job. Worked early in the morning and slept during afternoon. Read a lot. Slept a lot. Gained a lot of pounds by celebrating 1st American Christmas. Bought a very expensive camera to practice photoart. Spent a lot of money this year and was too lazy to work in a new land.

This year of 2008 will see more of investments into US university and life if I start school in August. Economic outlook for US is not encouraging this year. I’ll try to hold on with God’s help!

I thank the Swansons and others who gave me free rides to church, free meals, free advice and friendly communication tomake my transition lighter and memory richer, stomach fuller and Jesus lovelier.