Tuesday, November 6, 2007

On Putinism and Russia

Hi Taras. I visited your blog. Nice pictures and stuff.I became interested in Russia after realizing (around 2003) that theUnited States (definitely the neocons, but it could be more than that)is trying to become like another empire.Putin's Russia is one of the few states that can stand-up to the U.S.and bring balance to the world.
Additionally, I symphasize with all the suffering Russians/Sovietshave gone through during the chaos of the 90s, during communism, andmost of all vs. Germany in W.W. II. Unimaginable stuff and colossalnumbers in all cases.I also read Putin's speeches on the Kremlin website (translated inEnglish) and I totally like what he is saying. He is very eloquent,including when he talks about women's issues, multiculturalism, andconfronting American "dictat" and "unipolarity."Meanwhile, the western press is blasting Russia unfairly andhypocritically. In my eyes, the western press is not a credibleinstitution and their anti-Russian bias completely backs up myconviction that Russia is the honorable player today.I don't have any Russian investments, although it might be a goodidea. I don't know Russian and have never been to Russia. I'm justinterested.Sincerely,Colleenhttp://winthtop77.blogspot.com

MY REPLY to Mr Colleen
Thanks for a quick yuppie reply, Colleen.
Russian and global politics seem to be a complicated mind boggling puzzle at first sight. The world seems to be always in imbalance no matter what country wants to dominate and balance all others. In a Christian perspective, the invisible to us fight is between God and his fallen angels - which is reflected in our visible world in the struglle for superpower, supercontrol, superjustice, superliberty, superdemocracy, superequality- nice newspeak 0f 21 st century.
I worked with western journalists in ukraine starting in 1995- ending in 2005- just a few investigative journalists turned writers, turned someone's on the mission for somebody else.
I was their translator, aide mostly. I was active during 2005 Ukraine/s power play-struggle at presidential elections working for a special BBC correspondent- even at the expense of going on-strike and leaving my main sales manager's job at American company in Kiev which was a demarche from my side and i was later punished for this too.
You seem to be a very intelligent not only accountant but a political observer, although leaning to rely on Kremlin's propoganda ( they do a good job, I believe). My source of information on Russia is
www.inopressa.ru (western media reports in translation). I'd recommend to you to pay close attention to BBC efficient rendering of European tragic history in their 13 series of Fall of Eagles (1974)- three years before you were born!
I rent the DVDs (4 discs) from Netflix.
I bought also Stalin's biography by Montefiory- nice book , a must read - I think Putin and his gang fall into his category of rulers. Montefiore Simon found out that Putins grandfather was a chef at the court in Russia for Rasputin and Stalin- interesting detail in Vladimir's history.
I think my interest in Russian affairs dates back to Yulia Latynina's books in 2001-2. My first trip to Russia occured only in 2003. I briefly visited Russian parts on business and as a tourist for relatives. my last trip was a brief transit visit in February 2006.
Good luck in reading Russia, comrade Colleen) My father was (has been) a political public activist-bureucrat in Kiev since 2003. Hope I gave you some food for thought, for reading, etc\if I come North, one day we'll meet somewhere there in NY.

Good luck in reading Russia, comrade Colleen) My father was (has been) a political public activist-bureucrat in Kiev since 2003.

Hope I gave you some food for thought, for reading, etc

if I come North, one day we'll meet somewhere there in NY.


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